President's Message
Jennifer Ellis-Jackson

" Service is the rent we pay for the privilege of living on this earth.” Shirley Chishlom
It is a privilege and honor to serve as president of the Monarch Awards Foundation.
We are committed and enthusiastic about the opportunity to support and serve our community members by providing thoughtful, impactful community service programs designed to enrich the lives of children and families.
We are committed to leveraging our strategic vision, program innovation, collaborative partnerships, and resource management to make a lasting impact in the communities where we live and serve.
Since 1988, we have provided over $1.5 million in college scholarships and donations to not-for-profit organizations. Join us as we strive to expand our reach and help assist more children and families and help to change lives.
Board of Directors
President: Jennifer Ellis-Jackson
Vice-President and Program Chairman: Sydney L. Adams
Recording Secretary: August Washington
Asst. Recording Secretary: Courtney Hill
Parliamentarian: Antonette Smith
Corresponding Secretary: Apryl Riley
Asst. Corresponding Secretary: Germaine DuBose
Treasurer: Latasha Posey
Asst. Treasurer: Kelly Bromwell
Financial Secretary: Charsetta Reed
Asst. Financial Secretary: Tamiochous
Ivy Leaf Reporter, Xi Nu Omega: Tammy St. Preux
Member-at-Large: Victoria Lloyd
Member-at-Large: Paulette Phillips
Member-at-Large: DeShonda Sisco
Development Chairman: Tracy Robinson
Fundraising Chairman: Van'essa Pope
Scholarship Chairman: Margaret Tucker
Gala Chairman: Apryl Riley
Public Relations Chairman: LaTasha Harper
Technology Chairman: August Washington
Treasurer, Xi Nu Omega: Dana Hampton
Connection and Social Action Chairman: Edwina Robison
Lead Teller: Kimberly Cavitt
Risk Management Chairman: Kelly Dixon
Sergeant at Arms: Johanna Webb
Strategic Planning Chairman: Valerie Battiest-Danzy
President Emeritus: Shannon B. Staton